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میان برهای نرم افزار VLC Player

میان برهای نرم افزار VLC Player میان برهای نرم افزار VLC Player

میان برهای نرم افزار VLC Player

Hotkeys table




Fullscreen key-toggle-fullscreen f
Leave fullscreen key-leave-fullscreen Esc
Play/Pause key-play-pause Space
Pause only key-pause [
Play only key-play ]
Faster key-faster +
Slower key-slower -
Normal rate key-rate-normal =
Faster (fine) key-rate-faster-fine Unset
Slower (fine) key-rate-slower-fine Unset
Next key-next n
Previous key-prev p
Stop key-stop s
Position key-position t
Very short backwards jump key-jump-extrashort Shift-Left
Very short forward jump key-jump+extrashort Shift-Right
Short backwards jump key-jump-short Alt-Left
Short forward jump key-jump+short Alt-Right
Medium backwards jump key-jump-medium Ctrl-Left
Medium forward jump key-jump+medium Ctrl-Right
Long backwards jump key-jump-long Alt-Ctrl-Left
Long forward jump key-jump+long Alt-Ctrl-Right
Next frame key-frame-next e
Activate key-nav-activate Enter
Navigate up key-nav-up Up
Navigate down key-nav-down Down
Navigate left key-nav-left Left
Navigate right key-nav-right Right
Go to the DVD menu key-disc-menu Shift-m
Select previous DVD title key-title-prev Shift-o
Select next DVD title key-title-next Shift-b
Select prev DVD chapter key-chapter-prev Shift-p
Select next DVD chapter key-chapter-next Shift-n
Quit key-quit Ctrl-q
Volume up key-vol-up Ctrl-Up
Volume down key-vol-down Ctrl-Down
Mute key-vol-mute m
Subtitle delay up key-subdelay-up h
Subtitle delay down key-subdelay-down g
Audio delay up key-audiodelay-up k
Audio delay down key-audiodelay-down j
Cycle audio track key-audio-track b
Cycle through audio devices key-audiodevice-cycle Shift-a
Cycle subtitle track key-subtitle-track v
Cycle source aspect ratio key-aspect-ratio a
Cycle video crop key-crop c
Toggle autoscaling key-toggle-autoscale o
Increase scale factor key-incr-scalefactor Alt-o
Decrease scale factor key-decr-scalefactor Alt-Shift-o
Cycle deinterlace modes key-deinterlace d
Show interface key-intf-show i
Hide interface key-intf-hide Shift-i
Take video snapshot key-snapshot Shift-s
Go back in browsing history key-history-back Shift-g
Go forward in browsing history key-history-forward Shift-h
Record key-record Shift-r
Dump key-dump Shift-d
Zoom key-zoom z
Un-Zoom key-unzoom Shift-z
Toggle wallpaper mode key-wallpaper w
Display OSD menu on top key-menu-on Alt-Shift-m
Do not display OSD menu key-menu-off Alt-Ctrl-m
Highlight widget on the right key-menu-right Alt-Shift-Right
Highlight widget on the left key-menu-left Alt-Shift-Left
Highlight widget on top key-menu-up Alt-Shift-Up
Highlight widget below key-menu-down Alt-Shift-Down
Select current widget key-menu-select Alt-Shift-Enter
Crop one pixel from the top key-crop-top Alt-r
Uncrop one pixel from the top key-uncrop-top Alt-Shift-r
Crop one pixel from the left key-crop-left Alt-d
Uncrop one pixel from the left key-uncrop-left Alt-Shift-d
Crop one pixel from the bottom key-crop-bottom Alt-c
Uncrop one pixel from the bottom key-uncrop-bottom Alt-Shift-c
Crop one pixel from the right key-crop-right Alt-f
Uncrop one pixel from the right key-uncrop-right Alt-Shift-f
Random key-random r
Normal/Repeat/Loop key-loop l
1:4 Quarter key-zoom-quarter Ctrl-1
1:2 Half key-zoom-half Ctrl-2
1:1 Original key-zoom-original Ctrl-3
2:1 Double key-zoom-double Ctrl-4
Very short jump length (integer) extrashort-jump-size 3
Set playlist bookmark 1 key-set-bookmark1 Ctrl-F1
Set playlist bookmark 2 key-set-bookmark2 Ctrl-F2
Set playlist bookmark 3 key-set-bookmark3 Ctrl-F3
Set playlist bookmark 4 key-set-bookmark4 Ctrl-F4
Set playlist bookmark 5 key-set-bookmark5 Ctrl-F5
Set playlist bookmark 6 key-set-bookmark6 Ctrl-F6
Set playlist bookmark 7 key-set-bookmark7 Ctrl-F7
Set playlist bookmark 8 key-set-bookmark8 Ctrl-F8
Set playlist bookmark 9 key-set-bookmark9 Ctrl-F9
Set playlist bookmark 10 key-set-bookmark10 Ctrl-F10
Play playlist bookmark 1 key-play-bookmark1 F1
Play playlist bookmark 2 key-play-bookmark2 F2
Play playlist bookmark 3 key-play-bookmark3 F3
Play playlist bookmark 4 key-play-bookmark4 F4
Play playlist bookmark 5 key-play-bookmark5 F5
Play playlist bookmark 6 key-play-bookmark6 F6
Play playlist bookmark 7 key-play-bookmark7 F7
Play playlist bookmark 8 key-play-bookmark8 F8
Play playlist bookmark 9 key-play-bookmark9 F9
Play playlist bookmark 10 key-play-bookmark10 F10
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